
Chromecast API

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📺 Chromecast API within your local network

API Endpoint API Documentation Swagger UI



The idea of this project was to play a bit with the awesome PyChromecast Python library and move its functionalities to a the black box concept of an API.

Currently the implemented API, at port 8321, is able to list all the available devices within the local network and cast a source given the device name and a URL with some media. Optionally, you can set source_url=random for being surprised with one of the gallery videos.


Apart from its functionality, an API documentation (using ReDoc) and the typical Swagger UI are available at the following URLs.

API Documentation Swagger UI


  1. Python 3.7+


Usage of virtualenv is recommended for package library / runtime isolation.


To run the API, please execute the following commands from the root directory:

  1. Setup virtual environment

  2. Install dependencies

     pip3 install -r requirements.lock
  3. Run the server as a uWSGI server with the given bash script


    or as a Python module

     python3 -m src



MIT © Chromecast API