
Auto Factorial

HitCount Python application GitHub stars GitHub forks GitHub repo size in bytes GitHub contributors GitHub license

πŸ“ (Work in Progress Project) Docker image that clocks you in daily on Factorial

How to run


Python requirements

This project is using Python3.7. All these requirements have been specified in the requirements.lock file.

  1. Selenium: used for simulating the action of clocking in.
  2. APScheduler: used for scheduling jobs in a certain time.


Usage of virtualenv is recommended for package library / runtime isolation.


To run this script, please execute the following from the root directory:

  1. Setup virtual environment

  2. Install dependencies

     pip3 install -r requirements.lock
  3. Build Docker container locally

     docker build --tag auto_factorial_dev:0.1 .
  4. Run container setting needed environment variables

     docker run -d -e "DEVELOPMENT_MODE=true" -e "FACTORIAL_EMAIL_ADDRESS=redacted" -e "FACTORIAL_PASSWORD=redacted" --name auto_factorial_dev auto_factorial_dev:0.1



MIT Β© Auto Factorial