
GPS Agile Development

In my faculty, BarcelonaTech (FIB), I did a subject called GPS in which we learned many things about Agile Software Development and Test driven Development.

Together with 6 mates mine, we did a project that was based on the simulation of a terminal point of a supermarket sells children’s toys. For this to learn how the agile development, we made the project based on Test Driven Development and the famous method called Scrum. That is, as we were developing an increase in output, automatically were testing for that verification of its operation. We use files called “features” in which we were allowed to check easily.

As I said before, I did this project together with six university mates, which I leave then with their respective Linkedin profile (if they have it): Gerard Casas, Quim Motger, Pere Bergé, Víctor Pérez, David Morán and Arnau Miralles. And the teacher Jordi Pradel.

Thank you for your time and enjoy it!